What's Happiness?

Happiness is holding the kingdom of God in the heart, for one has learned to see and believe with the humility of children.

Happiness is to be comforted for the heart was not afraid to cry all the cries of faith, hope and love.

Happiness is to walk on earth as heir of everything, just for the meek heart doesn't feel like it owns anything.

Happiness is to make mercy the ground of the way to and from.

Happiness is to see God simply for the mind is free from wickedness and always thinks with love.

Happiness is to live as a child of God as a result of the peaceful life in which one walks and for which one lives.

Happiness is to be filled with the certainty of the righteousness of which you hunger and thirst for others.

Happiness is to have Heaven in your heart because you look to God and not to the persecutions of the injustice that persecutes justice.

Happiness is to be brother and sister of Jesus and the prophets in the same causes of life.

And if anyone is persecuted for being happy in this way, let him raise his head and exult; and more: let him live as one of the prophets; for it was from this happiness that all happy men and women were and are made prophets of what is good.

Caio Fábio (translated from Portuguese)